
Through my years of direct work with all kinds of students, I’ve come to the conclusion that the difficulties of coursework and standardized tests are seldom the main reasons why students fall short of their potential.

Through years of building trust, many of my students and their parents decided to share personal, family‐related or other life circumstances that they suspected might be the underlying causes of academic and test score under-performance.

From their stories, my observation of their family dynamics and my involvement, I have become sensitized toward these out of the classroom, external factors. Now, I find myself picking up signs and recognizing such issues without them being explicitly expressed to me.

These are difficult issues to bring to the table and I understand why they are so often left unspoken. If at any point a student or parent would like to share something with me that may allow me to better help them, I am ready to listen. I am not a therapist but that doesn’t mean I can’t be a mentor and friend.